i can haz nom?

Day 3 – Tuna Deviled Eggs and Cheesecake (2 ways!)

Posted on: June 3, 2011

It’s been a busy day in the kitchen! And it finally feels like the first day of summer.
Cheesecake ingredients

I did quite a bit of grocery shopping today. I needed to prepare a couple of desserts, so I went all out. The total adds up to $15.98 at Safeway and $1.98 at Whole Foods.

Berries, Cream, and Chocolate

I had my old stand-by, berries with cream. A pack of Ferrero Rochers was lying on the table when I sat down to eat, so I threw that in the bowl too. MMM. I would love to make chocolate a regular morning thing. Good thing I stocked up on chocolates today.
Cost: $0

Tuna Deviled Eggs

I didn’t have much in the way of protein, so I decided to hard boil some eggs. I found a can of tuna in the pantry, so I threw that in together with the yolks, as well as some mayo, paprika, salt, and pepper. I topped it all off with half an avocado I purchased earlier today at Safeway. My eyes were definitely bigger than my stomach because I could barely finish two of the eggs. I ended up putting 2 halves back in the fridge. Snack for later!

Cost: $1.25 for the avocado

My friend is celebrating her graduation at a local restaurant, so I don’t have to worry about dinner today. Woo!
Cost: $0 (actual price of admission: homemade dessert)

The Bakery
My friend posted a very interesting dessert on Facebook – cheesecake stuffed strawberries. I decided to try this out for a graduation celebration for my friend who just finished law school. My filling was a little different than posted in the blog – I whipped up some heavy cream and folded it in with the cream cheese. I also added a bit of melted chocolate. I felt like it didn’t have enough structure initially; when I filled the strawberries, the filling would not stay in the shape I piped it. Next time, I would put the filling in the fridge for 30 minutes to an hour to let it harden up a bit. I also meant to drizzle on some chocolate on the outside, but I didn’t know how to do this without the filling pouring out of the strawberries. Will have to try this experiment again.
Cheesecake Stuffed StrawberriesCheesecake Stuffed Strawberries Close-up

Planning ahead for the beautiful weekend, I also made a batch of cheesecake bars. I actually was baking them while I was writing this post, and I managed to burn them a bit. It’s okay, now they won’t be jealous when I’m getting my tan on tomorrow. =)
Cheesecake Bars

Cost: $16.71 for ingredients for both desserts

Woo, spendy day, but I got 2 desserts and an avocado out of it.

Today’s Starting Balance: $295.72
Today’s Total Expenditures: $17.96
Today’s Ending Balance: $277.76

3 Responses to "Day 3 – Tuna Deviled Eggs and Cheesecake (2 ways!)"

it all looks so good!! and i mean ALL of it…

Oooo very creative! Yeah I think the heavy cream and cream cheese would need to be whipped in a blender for awhile to stiffen. I tried to dip the strawberry in chocolate but it’s hard with no stem to hold, I’m no good at drizzling. Could you taste the chocolate on the inside?

Your cheesecake bars look awesome!

it could have done with more chocolate, but then you could say that about anything. =) it was a very subtle chocolate flavor. i wish we could play in the kitchen together! we will just have to pretend online.

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